Journey to the Promised Land (5)Full unit name: Journey to the Promised Land
Last updated: 05.05.2024 15:50:59
Basic info
First appearance: Knights of the Old Republic (Video Game)
Knights of the Old Republic (Video Game)
Relations: Taris
Events: Taris after Destruction
Taris after Destruction
Jedi Civil War
Known Facts (15)
  • Tarisian Outcasts operated on Taris
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Rukil, recoding a holomessage:
    We are saved. An upworlder has restored to us the work of my grandfathers. At last we have a place to escape this oppressive city and the laws that keep us beneath it. A place where we can breathe-
  • Rukil
  • The bombardment of Taris began (Destruction of Taris)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    This will be no secret to anyone listening, but Taris has been attacked. The upper and lower city were destroyed. We have found the Promised Land but have nowhere to return to. If only we had arrived sooner... the Promised Land is the original Taris colony site; it was sheltered from the direct bombardment. But the quakes have destroyed every building and generator left. We must start again from scratch, but at least we have survived. The rakghouls are still feeding on the dead. But when the meat is gone, they will begin to hunt....
  • Rukil
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Rukil and Baral knew each other and Baral became a leader of the Outcasts following Rukil's death.
  • Rukil, Baral
  • Rukil died
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    We mourn today for Rukil, who brought us out of the undercity and into the Promised Land. We have sent scouts throughout Taris and can find no other survivors. They cast us out and barred their doors to us, but now we bury our dead in the ashes of their skyscrapers. As Rukil told us, it is not an easy life. Our children will grow up in a world of spears and bows, not blasters and starships. It is my burden to preserve our memories. Once, we were outcasts. Once, we were the Promised Ones. Now we are Taris.
  • Baral
  • Rakghoul killed a number of Tarisian Outcasts
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    The rakghouls are breeding. Back in the undercity, they reproduced only by infecting us, but now, there are more every day. We lose people to them, a few every year, but only as meat. The serum the upworlder brought has held true. We do not sicken. But now the serum is gone. We have had four infants born who could not be immunized. All boys. We will not be able to protect them forever. We need our full strength to defend the tribe.
    Maybe the immunity was inherited. Maybe we do not need to worry that a bite, a scratch, will turn our children against us. Maybe I do not need to fear for my son....
  • Baral
  • Baral died
  • 4 able-bodied and 2 child-bearers of Tarisian Outcasts have been killed
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Ku Ki
    I am Ku-ki, fourteenth keeper of memories after Rukil. We now number fifty-three adults and twenty-one children. We lost four able-bodieds and two child-bearers to the rakghoul virus this year. Our records say there used to be a cure. We have lost so much.... Tomorrow, we leave to search for higher ground. Plants are growing; nature has reclaimed what once belonged to men. Nature is cruel. Two of every three of our babies die to sickness and hunger. If we are to live, we must rebuild our walls.
  • Ku Ki
  • Ku Ki died
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    We forgot. I am the memory. I have Rukil's descriptions. I know there was a city once. I know a city is many houses, many people. I am the only one. Now there is just us. We have stopped having children. The old records say it is from "tak-sick radie-achon." We once called this the Promised Land. It was a lie. It is our grave.
  • Lurr
  • Lurr died
This event began during the Jedi Civil War
Jedi Civil War
Jedi Civil War
on the planet Taris
, shortly before the planet was devastated
Destruction of Taris
Jedi Civil War
by the Sith Empire
Revan's Sith Empire
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
During his search for Bastila Shan
Bastila Shan
Major Characters
in the planet's Undercity, Revan
Major Characters
helped Rukil
Minor Characters
, one of the Outcasts
Tarisian Outcasts
Planetary and Sector
, find three journals that helped Rukil discover the location of the Promised Land. Rukil showed his findings to Gendar, leader of the community, who believed Rukil and set out to prepare the Outcasts for the long journey. After telling Gendar the information, Rukil gave Revan his thanks and a final farewell before the Outcasts departed for the Promised Land.
The Outcasts eventually reached the Promised Land, and Rukil recorded his first holodiary - at which point the bombardment began.
Sometime after the end of the bombardment, the Outcasts realized that the upper and lower city were destroyed and they had no place to return to. They also discovered that the Promised Land was the original Taris colony site and, while it was sheltered from the direct bombardment, the quakes that followed the bombardment destroyed every building and generator in the colony. The Outcasts began to rebuild the colony, realizing that this was their only chance of survival.
By the time Rukil died and Baral
Minor Characters (TOR)
became the leader of the community, the scouts
were unable to find any survivors other than the Outcasts themselves.
Over the years, the rakghouls have killed many Outcasts, but thanks to the serum, no one has become infected. But when the serum was gone, they became increasingly afraid for their children, who could no longer be immunized.
By the time when Ku-ki
Ku Ki
Minor Characters (TOR)
took over as keeper of memories, the Outcasts numbered fifty-three adults and twenty-one children, having lost four able-bodied and two child-bearers to the rakghoul virus the previous year.
They decided to leave the colony and look for a more protected position outside.
But the radiation outside the colony was still deadly, and by the time Lurr
Minor Characters (TOR)
took over the Outcasts, they had stopped having children. Tired and disappointed, they began to realize that the Promised Land would soon become their grave.
Their holo messages were found
Chasing History
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
by a group of Republic operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
hundreds of years later, during the Republic
Galactic Republic
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
's initiative to resettle
Taris Resettlement Initiative
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
the planet.
See also
Related organizations
Tarisian OutcastsStructureCharactersRukil (Leader)Baral (Leader, following Rukil's death)Ku Ki (Leader, being 14th keeper of memories after Rukil)Lurr (Leader)RolesLeaderRukilBaral (following Rukil's death)Ku Ki (being 14th keeper of memories after Rukil)LurrRecon
Related units, characters and other technologies
RukilMembershipTarisian OutcastsLeader
BaralMembershipTarisian OutcastsLeader, following Rukil's death
Ku KiMembershipTarisian OutcastsLeader, being 14th keeper of memories after Rukil
LurrMembershipTarisian OutcastsLeader
LeaderMembershipTarisian OutcastsRukilBaral (following Rukil's death)Ku Ki (being 14th keeper of memories after Rukil)Lurr
ReconMembershipTarisian Outcasts
Complete list

Full unit name: Journey to the Promised Land Last updated: 05.05.2024 15:50:59